An animated journey set in a whimsically reimagined Japanese nostalgic era, WILDHEART is a tale of friendship and family.
This short film follows the story of a young protagonist immersed in a vibrant and nostalgic world.
Keytales.Studio writes:
Hello everybody!
We want to introduce our blender film project, Wildheart!
Our ultimate goal for Wildheart is to create a feature-length film, but we're starting this journey with a set of short films, each a foundational piece that contributes to a greater narrative.
This animation is our first step toward this goal!
✨ You can find out more on our website.
✨ Community Discord to stay up to date on the project.Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
This is really quite excellent. Literally every single scene is beautiful. The character animation is so expressive, and the characters themselves are beautifully drawn. The colorization is bright and lovely when needed, and dark and moody when necessary. This is a two minute gem. Take a bow.
Excellent keep up the amazing work.
Achingly beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing this.
I'm still learning how to do the donuts with blender guru, someday I hope to achieve your level. Any advice on tutorials you can give me?
Incredible work, very moving!