Over on Blender Artists, cgCody shared this EEVEE material node setup that adds an oldfashioned dithered look to your materials.
cgCody writes:
Continuing from this discussion 2, the addition of the Shader to RGB node got me interested in the effect again. This node is awesome! I think we are going to see all kinds of cool tricks and hacks thanks to this little fella.
This is more of a proof of concept than anything. You can easily generate dithering in post (photo editor, or compositing), but it’s still fun to play around with in real time, and it gives me an excuse to tool around with nodes.
If you created anything with this setup, please share your results on Blender Artists!
A suggestion:
I am interested in learning Blender, starting with ver 2.80.
One of the things that would be good is a list of suitable laptops, desktops and etc..
If such information exists I am not aware of it.
This is not relevant to this article. How about opening a topic on Blender Artists with your idea?
been looking for good dither effects, thanks